January 10, 2013

Show Me the Money Invoice Factoring Companies

In today's marketplace, cash flow is a real problem for many businesses. It seems impossible to grow your business if you don't have a stack of cash sitting around. But it is possible to grow without having a bunch of money just lying around, and you don't even have to be able to qualify for a traditional bank loan. You don't need to have two years of financial information showing that you made a profit. You don't need to have assets that are tangible in order to secure a bank loan. Instead you can secure the funds through invoice factoring.
Here's How the Process Works.
The invoice factoring company buys your accounts receivables at a discount. Then they give you cash up to a certain percentage of the amount your customers owe you. The easiest way to look at this process is as if you're selling your invoices for a little less money than what they are actually worth so that you can receive cash now instead of in a month or two when your customers actually pay you.
Every time you make a delivery and bill a customer, you are eligible to receive money from an invoice factoring company within a day. This makes it possible for you to get paid faster, which in turn enables you to grow your business. You're able to pay your own bills on time because cash flow isn't a problem. You can even purchase supplies or equipment or receive special discounts offered by vendors when you pay them early.
In most cases, factoring companies pay anywhere from 80 to 90 percent of the value of your invoices up front. After they receive the payment from your customer, they subtract a small fee from that payment and give you the rest of it. The amount of the fee is determined by how creditworthy your customer is, how long your average payment term is, and the amount and size of the invoices you issue.
It may seem like invoice factoring is a new business, but it really isn't. Invoice factoring companies have been offering services for hundreds of years. Some of the earliest factoring companies appeared in the American colonies. They helped handle trade between European vendors and colonial buyers. The vendors would trust the factoring company when it said that the buyer was creditworthy. They charged a small fee for offering advice about credit and then became merchants in the trade industry by purchasing and then reselling a variety of goods.
There are factoring companies in every part of the financial sector. Some are small financial services companies while others are connected to major banks. However, each one sets its own terms for operation. Each company has its own "personality" within the factoring industry. In addition, many of them specialize in one particular type of industry, so if you are considering signing up for factoring, make sure that the company you opt for does business with other companies in your industry.
You don't have to look too hard, or for too long, if you want to find a property development, that has floundered; for one reason or another. Disturbingly, it seems that in most cases, the reason that the development failed was due to the finance arrangement being pulled; ie the Bank called in the loan.
This situation is becoming all too common, as the banks try to get the money back in, as quickly as possible. Quite shameful, in some cases that we have heard about.
So, is there any chance of making some money in a market this treacherous?
The simple answer is yes; because if there are losers in the market, there must logically be winners!
To put this in real terms, if a builder was developing a ten plot site, and the bank called in his loan, and took possession of it part finished; the builder stands to lose money, or at least the profit that he would have made. Well, the person or company, that buys that site, stands to make a good profit?
Due to banks pulling the plug on many development loan, we found a few partly finished developments for sale at distressed purchase prices, without working too hard.
Now, you are probably thinking that, if the banks are lending (which they aren't), and if they have money out, they may call it in (which they have), where would you find some money that would enable you to pick up a part finished site or distressed sale part finished conversion, at a bargain price?
Well, obviously it's not the bank.
There are people out there that will help you though, and they are the specialist short term funders; the "bridgers", and development finance companies. There is little between the two, in the way that the lenders work, and their respective funding lines.
However, the usual distinction is; development funding will normally lend on land with full planning permission, and fund a build from the ground up, whereas for bridging finance, there is normally a building of some sort to bridge against! The line between the two types of lending is sometimes a little blurred.
It's not difficult to see why some bridging funders found that their lending was up 64% this year. These small, short term lenders seem to have been the lifeline that has saved many small developers, from going under; according to our research.
Having spoken to some specialist bridging loan lenders, which included the development mortgage lenders; we were surprised by what they told us.

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